Identification of polymorphic variants of genes associated with the risk of varicose disease of the lower extremities among Russian residents of the Russian Federation

Shadrina AS, Smetanina MA, Sevostyanova KS, Sokolova EA, Shevela AI, Soldatsky E.Yu., Seliverstov EI, Demekhova M.Yu., Shonov OA, Ilyukhin EA, Voronina EN, Pikalov IV, Zolotukhin IA, Kirienko AI, Filipenko M.L. Identification of polymorphic variants of genes associated with the risk of varicose disease of the lower extremities among Russian residents of the Russian Federation. Phlebology. 2016 Т.10 №2 С.68-76. (Article in Russian)

DOI: 10.17116/flebo201610268-74